Grain-free duo-protein wet food for dogs. With arctic cloudberries, a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C. Delicious soft paté consistency, made in Sweden....further information
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Product description
Grain-free duo-protein wet food for dogs. With arctic cloudberries, a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C. Delicious soft paté consistency, made in Sweden.
Bozita Purely Paté is the perfect food for your four-legged friend. The soft paté consistency makes it particularly appetising and easy to eat. Each variety contains two protein sources that provide a unique flavour composition.
Another highlight are the arctic cloudberries, which are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. This food is also free from sugar, preservatives and colourings, making it a natural choice for your dog. Bozita Purely Paté is produced in Sweden and offers several flavours to choose from.
Bozita Purely Paté 6 x 370g at a glance:
Grain-free wet food for dogs
Duo protein recipe: two animal protein sources per flavour
Contains arctic cloudberries: rich in antioxidants and vitamin C
Soft paté consistency: appetising and easy to eat
Balanced and complete: suitable as a complete food
Made in Sweden: high quality standards
Several varieties to choose from: find the flavour that your dog likes best
Additives per kg: Nutritional additives:
Vitamin D3 (140 IU), vitamin E (30mg), copper [as copper (II) sulphate, pentahydrate] (2.3mg), manganese [as manganese (II) oxide] (2mg), zinc [as zinc sulphate, monohydrate] (20mg), iodine [as calcium iodate, anhydrate] (0.5mg).
Vitamin E (30mg), copper [as copper (II) sulphate, pentahydrate] (2.3mg), manganese [as manganese (II) oxide] (2mg), zinc [as zinc sulphate, monohydrate] (20mg), iodine [as calcium iodate, anhydrate] (0.5mg).
Analytical constituents
11.0 %
7.0 %
0.2 %
2.0 %
0.28 %
0.25 %
78.0 %
calories that can be burned
466.0 KJ/100 g
Feeding guide
Feeding recommendation:
Bozita Purely Paté is a complete food for dogs.
Dog’s weight
Feed quantity/day
1 - 5kg
105 - 350g
6 – 10kg
400 -600g
11 – 15kg
640 - 815g
16 – 20kg
850 - 1000g
Salmon / Lamb:
Dog’s weight
Feed quantity/day
1 - 5kg
100 - 340g
6 – 10kg
390 - 575g
11 – 15kg
620 - 780g
16 – 20kg
820 - 970g
Puppy & Junior Turkey:
Weight of the puppy
Expected weight in adulthood
1 - 2kg
190 - 250g
200 - 300g
3 - 5 kg
435 - 560g
480 - 660g
10 – 15kg
940 - 1045g
20 kg
Always ensure your pet has a bowl of fresh drinking water.
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