Bozita wet dog food is a quality Swedish product. Due to strict Swedish regulations, Bozita does not contain antibiotics, hormones, or artificial preservatives. Bozita dog food is a ready-to-serve, full-diet food, which is rich in meat. Bozita Naturals dog food: pure, natural pet food from Sweden.
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Complete wet food from Sweden, formulated to contain only the finest natural ingredients. Now in a great value saver pack!
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Stock up now and save! Delicious wet food for dogs in a tender paté, with a duo-protein recipe. Free from grain and sugar, the food provides antioxidants and vitamin C, from Swedish production.
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Buy now and save! Tasty wet food for dogs in a tender paté consistency, with a duo-protein recipe. Free from grain and sugar, the food provides antioxidants and vitamin C, from Swedish production.
New & improved recipe and design: Premium wet dog food with natural, raw ingredients from Sweden. Rich in meat, no grains or artificial additives.
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Grain-free duo-protein wet food for dogs. With arctic cloudberries, a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C. Delicious soft paté consistency, made in Sweden.
Complete wet food from Sweden, formulated to contain only the finest natural ingredients. Rich in meat, this dog food contains no artificial additives or soya. Helps to promote a strong immune system!
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*RRP= Recommended Retail Price ** Conditions apply
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