
Veterinary Food and Specialist Food

Find your pet's specialist and veterinary diet food right here in our dedicated shop. Shop by brand or ailment, we've got a selection of tasty pet foods for almost every condition and supplements to help with the rest.

Veterinary Food and Specialist Food for Cats and Dogs

A selection of dietetic food designed to meet the specific needs of pets burdened with health issues


When you are told that your beloved dog or cat is suffering from a health complaint, the last thing you want to be worrying about is whether they are getting the right nutrients from their diet. On top of the worries about your pet’s recovery, minimising its pain and forking out the high costs for exemplary veterinary care, the topic of diet may end up falling to the bottom of the pile.

That is why zooplus offers you a simple and effortless solution - veterinary cat and dog food. Each product is clearly and thoroughly aimed at solving specific illnesses and is the perfect way to add that little bit of extra help to treatments prescribed by your vet. Not only does this food meet medical requirements, but it also caters for your pet’s personal preference between dry and wet food. A number of health problems can be assisted with the help of veterinary food, including:

    For dogs:
    • Diabetes: If your pet has recently been diagnosed as diabetic, you will no doubt be worrying about how to adapt its diet accordingly. Diabetic pets need to eat just low levels of carbohydrates in order to control the release of energy into their system. Diabetic veterinary food is rich in protein and perfect for use alongside insulin therapy. Discover our selection of diabetic dog food
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    • Hepatic problems: The liver can cause real problems for your dog, including liver disease and insufficiency. By combining veterinary treatment with a specialist hepatic diet, you can help ensure your dog’s liver functions as smoothly as possible and balance out the pH levels in your dog’s gut. Taking on lots of protein, vitamins and minerals is vital for dogs with hepatic problems, which is why these foods are all high protein and low sodium.
    • Digestive issues: Food allergies and intolerances are rife among pets nowadays and can cause considerable pain and discomfort to your pet. Certain foods are known to exacerbate such issues, which is why this range of veterinary food for allergies and intolerances avoids such ingredients. The majority of the products zooplus offers for sensitivities are in fact hypoallergenic, meaning that they are much kinder to the digestive system and can once again make mealtimes enjoyable for your canine companion.
    • Decreased mobility: This is a common problem, particularly amongst older dogs. As the body ages, joints and bones can start to get weary - after all, chances are they have had a lifetime of rushing your dog around at a hundred miles an hour! In order to maintain your dog’s mobility and keep it active, as well as to reduce the pain caused by ageing joints, a specific joints and bones diet can be particularly effective, providing nutrients such as chondroitin and glucosamine that are known to help keep cartilage supportive and strong.
    For cats:
    • Renal issues: Kidney disease or stones can be extremely painful for your cat and require a careful diet with limited levels of certain minerals. This renal veterinary food is low in phosphorus, known to exacerbate kidney problems, but rich in omega-3, vital for keeping inflammation and blood pressure low. It is designed to be low in protein, which can help keep lean muscle without overloading your cat’s kidneys.
    • Urinary health: Cats are prone to urinary tract infections, feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) and urinary stones, all of which can be painful and debilitating. The idea of a veterinary food for urinary health is that the ingredients can not only help prevent struvite and oxalate stones from forming but also help break them down if they have already developed. A urinary vet diet is also packed full of key ingredients chosen for their ability to promote water absorption, as taking on plentiful fluids can help reduce your cat’s suffering.
    • Obesity: There are many possible causes of obesity in cats, both natural and ‘man-made’. It could be that your cat is eating more food than it needs or, along a similar line, that it is not getting enough exercise to burn off the food it is eating. Some cats are just genetically prone to put on weight. Whatever the cause, it is something that should be combatted as soon as possible, as it can lead to other, more serious health issues such as diabetes or heart disease. Chances are, your overweight cat loves its food, so this tailored veterinary diet has been designed to appeal to a fussy palate. However, it is low in fat and calories, rich in protein to keep your cat feeling full and enriched with vitamins and nutrients key to maintaining your cat’s health and boosting metabolism.

And the best part? Here at zooplus, we don’t believe in charging a fortune for these veterinary diets, which could make the final difference in helping your cat or dog recover from its health issues. This means that keeping your pet in optimum health does not have to break the bank!

Zooplus offers the following nutritional, specially-tailored foods at fabulous discount prices:  

  • Royal Canin Veterinary Diet: Results are in and this dietetic food has been found to have real benefits for your pets! Choose from our range of veterinary dog food and veterinary cat food in both wet and dry varieties, providing something not only for every illness but also for every palate - we only want your pets to have the best!
  • Hill's Prescription Diet: If that doesn’t tickle your pet’s fancy, then take a look at the veterinary food offered by Hill’s Prescription diet. Once again, there is a range of moist food and crunchy kibble, full of vital nutrients needed to assist the treatment of illnesses and get your pet back into tiptop health. Whether it’s canine crunches or feline feasts that you’re looking for, there’s bound to be something here that will catch your eye.  
  • Integra Protect: This selection of veterinary diets is intended to combat a whole host of health problems, from digestive discomfort to advanced kidney disease. Neither our specialist dog food nor our veterinary cat food will cost an arm and a leg, so you can be sure of your finances as well as your beloved pet’s health.  
  • Purina Veterinary Diet: Nutrition with a purpose - Purina gives your dog or cat everything it needs for comprehensive health as well as targeting specific illnesses and conditions. Whether you have a diabetic dog or a cat with renal failure, these fabulous Purina dry kibble diets are ideal for successfully managing otherwise life-changing health conditions. Choose from a great selection of feline and canine diets in ultra-modern attractive packaging. Every product has undergone clinical testing based on the most state of the art research there is.


Browse the zooplus shelves for the veterinary diet that suits you and your pet. Somewhere in our extensive range of Veterinary Food and Specialist Food, there is bound to be a food for you, whether you choose based on brand, personal recommendations or price. Choose how you shop - you can either select the veterinary diet based on its brand or choose a food based on the illness you are looking to treat. The choice is yours and it couldn’t be simpler - or better value! Discover your unwell pet’s ideal diet today at zooplus.

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