Best dry cat food - EVER.
i own 3 regular housecats of unknown origin, a girl at 3 kg, and 2 casterated boys at 5 and 7 kilo, all about 1.5-2 years old, and "second hand", and i use:
Sanabelle with Poultry, with Trout, with Ostrich, and 'Grande', and i must say, i simply cannot recommend it enough.
at their previous home, they got the cheapest supermarket food, and After only 1-1,5 months with proper food, their fur was ALOT more shiny, and extremely soft, they play more, and seem alot more balanced.
If you read the info on Sanabelle it says:
"Sanabelle is exceptionally tasty. It can be fed to cats which are used to wet food." yes, it really can, and in my case, i now have 2 cats, that simply REFUSE wet food, no matter what i buy.
They check out the wet food, and leave it, untouched, and eat the Sanabelle dry food instead.
In short, when was the last time your cat refused to eat gravy covered, high-end wet food, because it liked the dry food better? - Yes it IS that good, i promise.