Grain-free and species-appropriate complete dry dog food, this delicious and nutritious kibble is well accepted and made with tender turkey, 41% fresh chicken meat, berries, roots and wild herbs.
Wolf of Wilderness offers species-appropriate dry dog food based on the natural nutrition of wolves in the wild. In addition to fresh meat, the grain-free formulas contain wild berries, roots and wild herbs. Wolf of Wilderness – wild and free!
Analytical constituents
protein | 26.5 % |
fat | 16.0 % |
fibre | 3.0 % |
ash | 7.5 % |
calcium | 1.25 % |
phosphorus | 0.85 % |
Please see the table. The feed quantities given are guidelines and should be adapted to individual requirements to maintain optimum body weight. Always provide fresh drinking water. Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.