Complete dry food for puppies, made with tasty turkey and lamb. Made to a grain-free recipe to ensure proper digestion, with high-quality ingredients and enriched in salmon oil.
Wiejska Zagroda Dry Puppy Food - Turkey with Apple is a complete, grain-free dry food for puppies, made from high-quality turkey and lamb meat, which has been sourced from regional suppliers and prepared to provide a premium, balanced meal for your young dog. In addition to the delicious turkey, a selection of nutritious ingredients, such as fruits, vegetables and herbs are added to further delight your dog. Wiejska Zagroda dry food offers your puppy a tasty, natural meal that is rich in vitamins and minerals, with all ingredients of a human-grade consumption quality and a recipe that is free from grains, artificial preservatives or unnecessary fillers.Analytical constituents
protein | 30.0 % |
fat | 21.0 % |
fibre | 3.0 % |
ash | 8.0 % |
calcium | 1.6 % |
phosphorus | 1.1 % |
moisture | 9.0 % |
omega-3 fats | 0.9 % |
Age in months | Serving / a day | ||||||||||||||
5kg | 10kg | 20kg | 30kg | 45kg | 60kg | ||||||||||
2 | 116g | 177g | 273g | 345g | 409g | 514g | |||||||||
3 | 131g | 201g | 314g | 404g | 485g | 615g | |||||||||
4 | 130g | 205g | 320g | 420g | 503g | 641g | |||||||||
5 | 129g | 208g | 331g | 436g | 521g | 681g | |||||||||
6 | 128g | 212g | 341g | 449g | 544g | 711g | |||||||||
7 | 125g | 208g | 339g | 447g | 542g | 711g | |||||||||
8 | 123g | 204g | 335g | 445g | 540g | 711g | |||||||||
9 | 121g | 200g | 331g | 443g | 539g | 711g | |||||||||
10 | 119g | 196g | 321g | 436g | 529g | 701g | |||||||||
11 | 118g | 194g | 310g | 429g | 520g | 692g | |||||||||
12 | ADULT | 190g | 305g | 423g | 514g | 682g | |||||||||
13 | ADULT | 419g | 509g | 679g | |||||||||||
14 | 415g | 501g | 675g | ||||||||||||
16 | 406g | 490g | 668g | ||||||||||||
18 | 399g | 483g | 662g |
Please note that these are only guidelines. Actual feeding amounts depend on your pet's age, activity levels and other individual circumstances. Monitor your pet's weight and adjust feeding amounts as required.
Introduce new food slowly.
Fresh water should be provided at all times.
Store in a cool and dry place.