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Complete grain free dog food for large breed puppies with tasty salmon and tender turkey plus fruits, vegetables & herbs. Protein rich recipe which supports healthy growth and strong joints.
Dogs love meat! Just like their wild ancestors, the wolves, your puppy's digestive system is attuned to meals high in animal protein combined with wild fruits, vegetables and herbs. Carnilove Puppy Large Breed Salmon and Turkey contains 31% wild caught salmon and 20% turkey. The balanced recipe with apples, peas, carrots and a variety of vitamins and plant extracts provides him with all the nutrients he needs for healthy growth and development of all body and organ functions. Free from grain and potatoes, this premium food is particularly well tolerated and also suitable for sensitive puppies with intolerances or allergies.In addition to the essential nutrients, the tasty dry food comes with a range of ingredients that can further enhance the well-being of growing large breed puppies. Glucosamine from crustacean shells and chondroitin promote the development of healthy, flexible joints. Cranberries, blueberries and raspberries are rich in natural vitamins and antioxidants that help build a strong immune system. In addition, brewer's yeast and chicory root with natural prebitoic active substances regulate your puppy's intestinal flora and thus support optimal absorption of all the nutrients and vital substances contained. Carnilove Puppy Large Breed Salmon and Turkey is a complete dry food that satisfies your puppy's love of hearty meat and provides optimum support during the first months of life.
Carnilove Puppy Large Breed Salmon and Turkey at a glance:
Nutritional additives:
Vitamin A [E672] (20,000 IU/kg), vitamin D3 [E671] (1,500 IU/kg), vitamin E [α-tocopherol] (3a700) (400 mg/kg), zinc [E6] (85 mg/kg), iron [E1] (70 mg/kg), manganese [E5] (35 mg/kg), iodine [E2] (0.65 mg/kg), copper [E4] (15 mg/kg), selenium [3b8.10] (0.25 mg/kg).
Analytical constituents
protein | 38.0 % |
fat | 16.0 % |
fibre | 2.5 % |
ash | 7.8 % |
calcium | 1.3 % |
phosphorus | 1.0 % |
moisture | 10.0 % |
omega-3 fats | 0.68 % |
omega-6 fats | 2.2 % |
Puppy weight | 3 - 4 months | 4 - 6 months | 6 - 12 months | 12 - 18 months | 18 - 24 months | 24 - 30 months |
25 kg | 230 g | 260 g | 250 g | 240 g | 230 g | Adult |
30 kg | 250 g | 290 g | 300 g | 290 g | 280 g | Adult |
40 kg | 270 g | 360 g | 370 g | 360 g | 350 g | Adult |
50 kg | 290 g | 400 g | 440 g | 430 g | 410 g | 410 g |
60 kg | 330 g | 500 g | 500 g | 490 g | 480 g | 470 g |
70 kg | 340 g | 540 g | 560 g | 560 g | 550 g | 530 g |
80 kg | 390 g | 600 g | 620 g | 620 g | 610 g | 580 g |
90 kg < | 400 g | 650 g | 680 g | 680 g | 660 g | 640 g |