Dog snacks with a high meat content, with buffalo as the main ingredient in a protein-rich recipe with 89% animal protein, combined with urkorn, peas and cranberries with irresistible flavour.
Every day, adventure is calling, and a busy dog will have a big appetite! These tasty PURINA Adventuros Rich in Buffalo with Ancient Grain dog snacks are the perfect choice! The delicious treats are great for rewarding your dog, or as a snack between meals.
PURINA Adventuros Rich in Buffalo with Ancient Grain dog treats contain
tasty buffalo and have a
high protein content. They also use selected plant ingredients, including being
enriched with millet, peas and cranberries. This not only provides great flavour but also a beneficial nutrient content.
PURINA Adventuros Rich in Buffalo with Ancient Grain at a glance:
- Tasty snacks for adult dogs
- High meat content: delicious buffalo as the main ingredient
- Rich in protein: including 75% animal protein
- Balanced recipe: enriched with natural ingredients including natural urkorn (millet), peas and cranberries, ideal for supplementing a species-appropriate diet
- Full of flavour: well-accepted by many dogs thanks to its great taste
- Coarse texture: makes for a great snacking experience
- Free from artificial colours, aromas and preservatives