Stock up now & save! Wet dog food for dogs, support of digestive function, increased electrolyte content, easily digestible ingredients, grain-free & gluten-free, human-grade consumption quality...further information
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Product description
Stock up now & save! Wet dog food for dogs, support of digestive function, increased electrolyte content, easily digestible ingredients, grain-free & gluten-free, human-grade consumption quality
A dietetic wet food with 100% human-grade consumption quality ingredients: Terra Canis Alimentum Veterinarium Intestinal 12 x 400 g is a highly digestible dog food developed to support digestive function.
Terra Canis Alimentum Veterinarium Intestinal 12 x 400 g is free from grain and gluten, making it particularly easy to digest. An increased sodium and potassium content can help to compensate for any nutrient losses. It also contains linseed, Psyllium husks and probiotics, which can support natural intestinal function and intestinal flora.
Terra Canis Alimentum Veterinarium Intestinal 12 x 400 g at a glance:
Complete diet food for dogs to alleviate acute intestinal malabsorption
Easily digestible starting sources: made from highly digestible ingredients
Increased electrolyte content: with sodium & potassium, can support compensation of nutrient losses
Free from grain & gluten: only limited digestibility, for good digestibility
Feeding recommendation
Terra Canis Alimentum Veterinarium Intestinal is a complete food for dogs.
Dog's weight
Amount of food in g/day
5 kg
300 g - 400 g
10 kg
500 g - 600 g
20 kg
800 g - 1.000 g
30 kg
1.100 g - 1,400 g
Fresh drinking water should always be available.
Recommended feeding period: initially up to 3 months. It is recommended to seek the advice of a vet before feeding and extending the feeding period.
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