Complete premium quality dog food, exclusively natural ingredients in 100% human-grade consumption quality, lots of meat & fresh vegetables, sugar-free, low in grain & gluten free. Buy it now!...further information
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Product description
Complete premium quality dog food, exclusively natural ingredients in 100% human-grade consumption quality, lots of meat & fresh vegetables, sugar-free, low in grain & gluten free. Buy it now!
A balanced meal time for your dog that tastes like home-cooked: Terra Canis Classic is carefully prepared using only high-quality human -grade consumption quality ingredients. The use of inferior by-products and slaughterhouse waste is completely avoided.
The selected Terra Canis Classic recipes are low in grain, gluten free and highly digestible. The dog meal is refined with fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs, giving it a particularly aromatic note and an extra portion of vital substances. Last but not least, rapeseed oil contributes important unsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for many bodily functions.
Terra Canis Classic Saver Pack 12 x 400g at a glance:
Premium wet dog food for adult dogs of all breeds
100% human-grade consumption quality: meat, fish fillet and all other ingredients are freshly processed
Lots of meat: source of high-quality proteins & amino acids to maintain the muscles
Gluten-free & low in grains: wholesome sources of carbohydrates, such as brown rice or amaranth, no wheat
Highly digestible: with easily digestible ingredients
Rich in vital substances: with fresh fruit, vegetables and aromatic herbs
Rapeseed oil: provides important unsaturated fatty acids, essential for many bodily functions
Mineral clay & seaweed: rich in minerals & trace elements
High in fibre: supports optimal digestion
Transparent declaration: clear listing of all ingredients used
Gently cooked: to preserve the valuable natural vitamins, phytochemicals, minerals/trace elements and proteins to the highest possible dimensions
Guaranteed without: animal and bone meal, inferior by-products, fillers, slaughterhouse waste, colorants, preservatives, attractants, antioxidants, artificial additives and sugar
High acceptance: excellent taste, just like home-cooked
Additives per kg: Nutritional additives:
Vitamin D3 (350 IU), vitamin E (75 IU), copper (1mg), iodine (0.8mg), zinc (20mg).
Analytical constituents
8.8 %
6.9 %
0.7 %
1.2 %
75.6 %
Feeding guide
Feeding recommendation:
Terra Canis Classic is a complete food for dogs.
Dog's weight
Daily serving in g
200 - 300 g
400 - 500 g
700 - 900 g
1000 - 1300 g
Fresh drinking water should always be available.
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