High quality, complete wet dog food made with fresh pure beef or combined with other tasty meat. It is enriched with healthy veg and easy to digest carbohydrates.
Rocco Menu is a balanced complete wet dog food made with tasty beef, combined with vegetables and rice. This wholesome food is packed with healthy protein and essential carbohydrates that provide your dog with energy and support a healthy metabolism. Choose from pure beef or a combination of beef and other meats such as chicken or lamb. Biotin helps to keep your pet's fur soft and shiny, and skin supple.Rocco Menu at a glance:
Additives per kg:
Nutritional additives: Vitamin D3 200 IU, vitamin E (all-rac-alpha-tocopherylacetate) 30mg, biotin 300mg, zinc (zinc sulphate monohydrate) 15mg, manganese (manganese-II-sulphate monohydrate) 3mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 0.75mgAnalytical constituents
protein | 10.4 % |
fat | 8.5 % |
fibre | 0.4 % |
ash | 2.2 % |
moisture | 75.0 % |
Dog's weight | Beef | Beef with Lamb | Beef with Poultry |
5kg | 325g | 310g | 320g |
10kg | 545g | 520g | 540g |
20kg | 915g | 875g | 900g |
30kg | 1240g | 1185g | 1220g |
40kg | 1540g | 1470g | 1515g |