Meat-rich wet dog food, complete and wholesome, with fibre and fatty acids, grain-free recipe, enriched with vitamins & minerals, practical portion sizes
To ensure a species-appropriate diet for dogs, a meat-rich food is recommended, as dogs are predominantly carnivores by nature. The ingredients of RINTI Kennerfleisch take this into account: it is a complete meat meal that scores with a hearty taste. It is produced completely grain-free.Analytical constituents
protein | 11.0 % |
fat | 7.0 % |
fibre | 0.6 % |
ash | 2.5 % |
moisture | 78.0 % |
Dog's weight | Daily amount in g/day |
5 kg | 300 g |
10 kg | 500 g |
Your dog's individual requirements also depend on breed, activity, age and housing conditions.
Clean and fresh drinking water should always be available.