Complete grain-free wet dog food with natural ingredients for a delicious taste. This wet food has a high protein content and is made with chicken fillet and offal, combined with fruit & vegetables....further information
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Product description
Complete grain-free wet dog food with natural ingredients for a delicious taste. This wet food has a high protein content and is made with chicken fillet and offal, combined with fruit & vegetables.
Purizon Adult Pouches Saver Pack 24 x 300g wet dog food at a glance:
Increased protein content: 45% quality chicken fillet
Very tasty: nutrient-rich offal
Pure nature: carefully selected fruit and vegetables such as spinach, sweet potato and pear
Grain-free recipe: also suitable for dogs with sensitive digestions
Great for active dogs: increased protein content
Complete wet dog food for adult dogs of all breeds and sizes
Purizon Adult Pouches are available in the following varieties:
Black Angus & Turkey: quality chicken fillet, hearty Black Angus beef and tasty turkey, with sweet potato and cranberry
Salmon: quality chicken fillet and exquisite salmon with spinach and coconut
Game & Rabbit: quality chicken fillet, hearty game and delicious rabbit with pumpkin and lingonberry
Lamb & Salmon: quality chicken fillet, tender lamb and great-tasting salmon with potato and pear
Feeding recommendation:
All dogs are different. The recommended daily amounts are only guidelines and should be adapted to suit the individual needs (breed, age, temperament, activity level etc.) of your pet to ensure that it maintains an ideal body weight.
When changing food, please introduce the new food gradually over a period of approx. two weeks.
Feed at room temperature.
Please make sure your pet always has fresh drinking water available.
Store in a cool place once opened. .
Black Angus Beef & Turkey with Sweet Potato & Cranberry:
Dog's weight in kg
Daily amount in g
285 - 395g
485 - 660g
810 - 1100g
1100 - 1505g
1365 - 1865g
Energy per 100g: ME (FEDIAF, 2020) 463 kJ/111 kcal
Salmon with Spinach & Coconut:
Dog's weight in kg
Daily amount in g
295 - 400g
495 - 675g
830 - 1135g
1125 - 1535g
1395 - 1905g
Energy per 100g: ME (FEDIAF, 2020) 454 kJ/108 kcal
Lamb & Salmon with Potato & Pear:
Dog's weight in kg
Daily amount in g
300 - 415g
510 - 695g
855 - 1175g
1160 - 1590g
1440 - 1970g
Energy per 100g: ME (FEDIAF, 2020) 439 kJ/105 kcal
Game & Rabbit with Pumpkin & Lingonberry:
Dog's weight in kg
Daily amount in g
285 - 390g
475 - 655g
800 - 1100g
1090 - 1490g
1350 - 1845g
Energy per 100g: ME (FEDIAF, 2020) 469 kJ/112 kcal
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