Dry food for cats of all ages, duck as 1st ingredient, cage-free reared poultry, with omega fatty acids, antioxidants & vitamin E, grain-free...further information
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Product description
Dry food for cats of all ages, duck as 1st ingredient, cage-free reared poultry, with omega fatty acids, antioxidants & vitamin E, grain-free
Lowland Creek Feline from the Taste of the Wild range is a high quality, tasty dry food suitable for cats of all ages: from kittens to seniors. It is made with lots of poultry, including roast duck and roast quail from cage-free rearing.
Lowland Creek cat food provides your velvet paw with highly digestible proteins and is an excellent choice if you value a species-appropriate diet for your cat. It is a grain-free dry food that is well suited to cats with intolerances. Taste of the Wild Lowland Creek provides your cat with a balanced mix of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to support skin and coat, as well as special bacterial cultures. The dry cat food is prepared with vegetables, fruit and pulses and has a vital ingredients / composition that can support the body's defences.
Taste of the Wild - Lowland Creek Feline at a glance:
High-quality dry food for cats of all ages
Well-balanced and complete: suitable as a complete food for Kitten, adult and senior cats
Grain-free formula: ideal for cats with allergies and intolerances
With roast duck and quail: duck as 1st ingredient, poultry from cage-free rearing, source of high-quality, highly digestible proteins
Vitality-rich recipe: enriched with fruits, pulses and vegetables, contains antioxidants, zinc, selenium and vitamin E to support the body's defences
Taurine: essential nutrient for cats, may help maintain normal vision and heart function
Omega fatty acids: balanced levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, may promote normal skin and shiny coat
Feeding recommendation:
Taste of the Wild - Lowland Creek Feline is a complete food for cats.
Daily ration for kittens
Weight of kitten
from birth to 16 weeks
5 - 7 months
7 - 9 months
9 - 12 months
0.5 - 1.75 kg
35 - 133 g
35 - 70 g
27 - 53 g
27 - 53 g
1,75 - 2,75 kg
133 - 159 g
70 - 106 g
53 - 80 g
53 - 70 g
2.75 - 4 kg
159 - 186 g
106 - 133 g
80 - 106 g
70 - 80 g
4 - 5.5 kg
133 - 159 g
106 - 133 g
80 - 106 g
Daily ration for adult cats
Weight of cat
Daily ration in g/day
1 - 2,25 kg
35 - 53 g
2,25 - 4,5 kg
53 - 70 g
4.5 kg - 6.8 kg
70 - 106 g
6.8 kg - 9 kg
106 - 133 g
Changing the food
Within 7 to 10 days, gradually reduce the amount of the current food while increasing the amount of the new food.
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