Gloriously grain-free adult dry cat food, made with 30% fresh turkey, sweet potato, fruit and vegetables, enriched with salmon oil. It is well accepted and 100% free from horrid chemical additives....further information
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Product description
Gloriously grain-free adult dry cat food, made with 30% fresh turkey, sweet potato, fruit and vegetables, enriched with salmon oil. It is well accepted and 100% free from horrid chemical additives.
Rosie's Farm Dry Food for cats at a glance:
Complete dry cat food
100% grain-free
Top-quality protein: 30% fresh turkey
Tasty sweet potato
Enriched with salmon oil
With fruit, vegetables and herbs
Well-accepted, easily digested
With omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids for skin and fur
No artificial flavourings, colour or taste enhancers
Ideal for adult cats of all breeds and sizes
Crafted with care by a German family business
Rosie's Farm Adult Farmer's Delight Turkey & Sweet Potatois a complete dry cat food, lovingly made with lots of fresh turkey, carefully selected fruit and vegetables, enriched with salmon oil.
We believe that your cat deserves to enjoy properly natural food so Rosie's Farm meals. This tasty kibble is gloriously grain-free so it is ideal for cats with nutritional intolerances. The wholesome ingredients are carefully selected and gently processed to help preserve the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients in each bowl. Just like the food you make at home, we don't use any horrid chemical additives, fillers or fake flavour enhancers – only whole, natural ingredients, treated properly to bring out their true flavour. Each delicious recipe is rounded off with a splash of premium salmon oil and enriched with taurine. This delicious dry food is well accepted and even sensitive cats will find it very digestible.
Rosie's Farm dry cat food is available in a selection of delectable recipes as 400g, 2kg, 3 x 2kg and 5 x 2kg bags.
Energy per kg: ME (FEDIAF, 2021) 16.25 MJ / 3885 kcal
Analytical constituents
32.0 %
18.0 %
5.0 %
7.6 %
1.3 %
1.05 %
omega-3 fats
1.42 %
omega-6 fats
3.37 %
Feeding guide
Feeding Guide:
These guidelines are only recommendations.
Your cat's actual food requirements can vary, depending on breed, level of activity and age.
Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.
Please make sure that your cat always has fresh drinking water available.
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