Balanced dry food, specially designed for multi-cat households, covers the nutritional requirements of all animals, regardless of age and constitution, all-round supply of nutrients and vital substances.
The balanced recipe of IAMS Pro Active Health Adult Multi-Cat Household has been specially adapted to the
nutritional requirements of a multi-cat household. The dry food contains two different pellet shapes in chicken and salmon flavours. The nutritional mix takes into account the requirements of all adult animals, regardless of age, weight and physical condition. With a variety of vitamins and minerals, the all-round meal offers your cats the best conditions for a vital life.
A high proportion of animal proteins can favour the maintenance of lean and strong muscles. Thanks to the special fibre mixture, the meal helps cats that are prone to hairballs to gently remove swallowed hair through the digestive tract. Other ingredients round off the balanced nutritional profile and can support the normal function of the immune system. In addition, the composition can promote an optimal pH value in the urine and thus contribute to normal urinary tract function.
IAMS Pro Active Health Adult Multi-Cat Household at a glance:
- Balanced dry food for adult and older cats
- Specially adapted recipe for multi-cat households, covering different nutritional requirements regardless of weight, age and constitution
- Optimal digestion: wholesome ingredients, prebiotics (FOS) and beet fibres can support normal digestive function
- Against hairballs: specially tailored fibre mixture can support the transport of swallowed hair through the gastrointestinal tract and thus reduce the risk of hairball formation
- High animal protein content: can promote the maintenance of muscle mass
- Urinary tract: adapted recipe can contribute to normal urinary tract function
- Skin & coat: contains valuable omega fatty acids that can support normal skin function and a shiny coat
- Lots of poultry: serves as a source of valuable protein building blocks and ensures the best flavour
- Defence: antioxidants, vitamins and vital substances can support the body's own defences
- With L-carnitine
- With taurine: supports natural vision and heart function
- Balanced and complete: all-round supply of all necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements
- Two different pellet shapes: in chicken or salmon flavour depending on preference, with a particularly delicious taste thanks to the improved recipe and selected ingredients
- No added flavourings, colourings or preservatives