Complete dry food for neutered & spayed cats with a tendency to be overweight, reduced fat content, high-quality proteins to maintain muscle mass, 100% balanced, without flavourings
When you have your cat neutered or spayed, your pet's metabolism and hormone levels also change. PURINA Cat Chow Adult Special Care Sterilised has been specially designed to meet these needs, providing your cat with all the essential nutrients and a delicious taste.
As cats usually need less energy after neutering, PURINA Cat Chow Adult Special Care Sterilised has a
reduced fat content . In addition, there is an increased protein content to support the maintenance of lean muscle mass. Chicory is included as a source of
natural prebiotics, which can contribute to a regulated digestion. As a complete cat food, PURINA Cat Chow Adult Special Care Sterilised also contains the
amino acid taurine. This is essential to support your pet's natural heart and eyesight.
PURINA Cat Chow Adult Special Care Sterilised at a glance
- Complete dry food for adult cats from the age of 1
Species-appropriate recipe
The recipe has been carefully adapted to the needs of cats and contains a high proportion of animal protein.
Specially formulated for neutered & sterilised cats
PURINA Cat Chow Adult Special Care Sterilised has a balanced nutrient composition and is based on the changed metabolism and hormone balance after neutering.
100% complete meal
This balanced dry food provides your cat with all the important nutrients. No artificial flavourings, colourings or preservatives are used in the production process.
Gradual transition
Mix PURINA Cat Chow Adult Special Care Sterilised gradually with the previous dry food over a period of 7 days to ensure a gentle transition.
- Reduced calorie content: less fat for reduced energy intake
- Ideal digestion: contains natural prebiotics from chicory
- High-quality proteins: from easily digestible poultry, increased content to maintain muscle mass
- Natural ingredients: vital peas, carrots & whole grains provide important nutrients
- Excellent taste: high acceptance
- Source of taurine: important amino acid to support normal heart & vision function

PURINA Cat Chow formulas are tailor-made to meet your cat's needs and pamper her with a taste she'll love. Since 1926, PURINA experts have used their understanding of pets' natural needs to contribute to their overall well-being through complete nutrition. Every day, PURINA performs hundreds of quality checks in factories to ensure you get the high quality you expect. Always.