Delicious dental care treats suitable for all cats, with tasty chicken. Scientifically proven to help reduce tartar build-up, making them a great healthy reward for between meals.
A reward can be healthy! Whiskas Dentabites are a healthy dental care snack for all cats. These exquisite treats have a special texture that can mechanically clean your cat's teeth, reducing the build-up of dental tartar. This has been scientifically proven and is recognised by the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC). Now you can reward your cat the healthy way, or just treat her to a great-tasting snack between meals, made using super delicious chicken.
Whiskas Dentabites at a glance:
- Exquisite snack for all cats, including kittens and seniors
- Ideal for daily dental hygiene
- Scientifically proven function: helps to reduce the build-up of dental tartar and mechanically clean your cat's teeth
- Suitable for between meals or as a tasty treat
- With hearty chicken
Please be advised: the images of the products on our site are for illustrative purposes only and actual packaging may vary.