Grain-free and gluten-free cat food made in Germany, balanced recipes, with lots of meat and offal, no added sugar, high quality, many delicious varieties available...further information
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Product description
Grain-free and gluten-free cat food made in Germany, balanced recipes, with lots of meat and offal, no added sugar, high quality, many delicious varieties available
The right food for every stage of life: Lucky Lou Adult is specially tailored to the nutritional needs of adult cats and provides your feline friends with all the nutrients they need. The wet food is produced in Germany and contains only selected ingredients of the highest quality.
Lucky Lou Adult consists primarily of lots of meat, offal and cooking stock, and you can choose from many delicious flavors. So your cats will never get bored! The cat food is free from grain, gluten, added sugar and preservatives. Thanks to its delicious taste, the wet food is loved by your cat.
Lucky Lou Adult 6 x 400g at a glance:
Premium wet cat food for fully grown cats
Balanced and wholesome: ingredients tailored to the nutritional needs of fully grown cats
Meat-rich recipe: prepared with lots of meat, offal & cooking stock
High-quality: prepared with high-quality ingredients, gently produced
Free from grain and gluten : suitable for cats with allergies and intolerances
Appetizing and delicious: accepted by many cats
Many varieties to choose from
No added sugar
No preservatives
Without genetically engineered ingredients and animal testing
Feeding recommendation:
Lucky Lou Lifestage is a complete food for cats.
3-5 % of the cat's body weight per day.
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