Dietary wet food with increased nutritional value for cats, supports weight gain and convalescence, easily digestible ingredients, extra tasty recipe, tender pieces with chicken.
Weakened cats have special nutritional requirements to get back on their feet quickly. Kattovit Convalescence (Energy Plus) is ideal for cats with increased energy and nutrient requirements - for example after an operation or prolonged illness. The dietary wet food provides your velvet paw with lots of energy and all the important nutrients and vital substances.
The diet food is prepared with easily digestible ingredients to avoid unnecessary strain on the digestive tract and at the same time to support optimal nutrient absorption. Kattovit Convalescence (Energy Plus) is characterised by a particularly tasty recipe with tender pieces of chicken - even fussy cats will find it hard to resist.
Kattovit Convalescence (Energy Plus) at a glance:
- Dietary complete food for cats for nutritional recovery, convalescence.
- High energy density: energy- and nutrient-rich formula, ideal for feeding weakened cats with increased energy requirements
- Easily digestible ingredients: highly digestible recipe supports optimal nutrient absorption
- Delicious taste: high acceptance even with fussy cats
- Appetisingly presented: fine pieces with chicken
- Gluten-free: suitable for cats with gluten intolerances
Important Information:
- Please consult your vet before feeding your pet with a veterinary diet. Your vet will be able to give further information and advice on possible treatment
- When feeding your pet with a veterinary diet, you should take your pet to the vet for a check-up at least every 6 months
- Should your pet's health worsen while using this product, please seek veterinary advice immediately
- By adding this product to your shopping basket you are confirming that you have read and understood the above information.