Premium, supplementary cat food made from fresh, succulent meat or fish in a delectable jelly - lightly enriched with rice for an exotic flavour. Available in a 24 x 170g saver pack!...further information
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Premium, supplementary cat food made from fresh, succulent meat or fish in a delectable jelly - lightly enriched with rice for an exotic flavour. Available in a 24 x 170g saver pack!
Cosma Asia wet cat food 24 x 170g at a glance:
Premium, supplementary wet cat food
Made from fresh meat or fish
Two or more protein sources
Appropriate nutrition
Lightly enriched with rice
Free from artificial flavours, preservatives and colourings
Cosma Asia cat food is a deliciously unique culinary experience for your cat! Each variety contains two or more protein sources from tasty meat, fish or seafood and is lightly enriched with rice. The carefully-selected ingredients are gently prepared, in order to preserve all of the essential nutrients and the natural taste. The Cosma Asia supplementary wet cat food range is made from premium, natural ingredients and is completely free from artificial flavours, preservatives and colourings. Cosma Asia provides your cat with appropriate nutrition and offers an irresistible taste.
Cosma Asia 24 x 170g is available in the following flavours:
Mix 1 - 4 Varieties: 8 x 170g Tuna with Crab Meat, 8 x 170g Chicken with Shrimps, 4 x 170g Chicken with Tuna, 4 x 170g Chicken with Chicken Liver
Mix 2 - 5 Varieties: 8 x Tuna with Crab Meat, 4 x Tuna with Bream, 4 x Tuna with Beef, 4 x Tuna with Salmon, 4 x Chicken with Barramundi
Mix Fruits - 3 Varieties: 8 x Chicken & Tuna with Mango, 8 x Chicken & Tuna with Pineapple, 8 x Chicken & Tuna with Papaya
Chicken with Tuna: Tender pieces of chicken with chunks of light tuna in tasty jelly
Chicken with Chicken Liver: Juicy chicken with pieces of healthy chicken liver in tasty jelly
Chicken with Shrimps: Tender pieces of chicken with delicious shrimps in tasty jelly
Chicken with Barramundi: Tender pieces of chicken with succulent barramundi in tasty jelly
Tuna with Crab Meat: Chunks of light tuna with easy-to-digest crab meat in tasty jelly
Tuna with Bream: Chunks of light tuna with delicate bream
Tuna with Beef: Chunks of light tuna with hearty beef
Tuna with Salmon: Chunks of light tuna with tender salmon
We tried all the combinations. Our cats prefer only the fish ones. We are giving them half a can per cat per day, and they are loving it. You can see that this food it's of superquality.
12/10/20|originally published in
: 1/5
My cat wouldn't eat it
Translated from by zooplus
26/08/20|originally published in
: 1/5
Rejected ever since the new design
I have been giving my cats Cosma for years... they always liked it. With the new design, they started rejecting it... Shame ... I always ordered to have enough for 3 months so now I'm sitting on hundreds of tins of cat food that won't be eaten...
Translated from by zooplus
09/08/20|originally published in
: 5/5
Very good, it was eaten up straightaway
My cats had always eaten dry food instead of wet food until now. The Asia wet food was very well received and is always gobbled up immediately. What's more, it doesn't smell too strongly or nasty like some other food varieties.
Originally published in
18/07/20|originally published in
: 5/5
My cat loves this food
My cat rarely finishes his bowl of food, but this is one of his favourites. The bowl is empty!
Originally published in
04/06/20|originally published in
: 5/5
Cats Love it!
I wanted to give my two cats the best food that was still affordable and this variety is one of their favourites!
Originally published in
28/05/20|originally published in
: 5/5
My 2 cats love it
Meat or fish my cats love Cosma.
Originally published in
19/04/20|originally published in
: 5/5
Highly recommended
All of my 6 cats love this food. It is fresh and smells very pleasant. I will happily pick this food for our rescue cats and they never leave any in the bowl.
Originally published in
09/04/20|originally published in
: 5/5
Super product
My 2 cats love this product and so do I, whole pieces of shrimp and chicken in jelly.
Originally published in
09/04/20|originally published in
: 5/5
Great product
My 2 cats love this product and so do I, whole pieces of shrimp and chicken in jelly.
Originally published in
11/11/19|originally published in
: 5/5
Looks very tasty
My cats happily eat it up.
Great food with fruit and some different flavours for the cats.
Originally published in
21/01/19|Emma Parsons
: 5/5
they gobble this down
no messing around with this food, no anxious sniffs, its a battle to get the food out of the tin before madam wants to get stuck in....
27/11/18|Louise Forrester
: 5/5
I just started my cats on this due to going off carny and feringa wet food...
Well they are loving it! Actual chicken breast the food has no bad smell. I have two cat one prefers wet one dry... Millie who prefers dry only licks the jelly off other wet food... but this she’s Eating the whole thing! I’ve never seen her enjoy wet food as much! Very happy with the quality... it’s more expensive than the others but at least I’m not throwing full bowls away... best food. Loads of different flavours!
Originally published in
: 3/5
Cosma Thai
Unfortunately my cat doesn't like any of the chicken stuff in the cosma thai range. he only like the fish ones. 3 stars because nothing is wrong with the food I am sure, but he just wouldn't touch it!
: 5/5
Cosma Thai and fruits
Cats can't get enough and has helped settle sensitive tums. Highly recommended for sensitive cats and fussy cats
Originally published in
: 5/5
Cats LOVE it
Having extremely picky cats that need their food changing ~3 times a day for them to eat at all (which results in an upset tummy), I ordered a bunch of trial packs from Zooplus. This being one of them and I am SO thrilled to have finally found a type of food that they adore! They just can't get enough of it, and I am so happy - no more upset tummies.
: 5/5
Baby boy loves it!!
My 11 month old boy loves this food. I wasn't sure about it but got a trial pack to see what he thinks. I like to give him a varied diet so always buy a wide selection of brands, textures, etc. He prefers this one for sure and as soon as he sees the tin, he starts meowing and purring. Loves this food and always cleans his plate and walks away with a fat belly. :)
Originally published in
: 5/5
Good tasty food
I tried these to see if my grain intolerant cat could cope with rice to establish if it was just a wheat allergy.
Glad to say she tolerates these with no problem so have just received a 2nd order & will be trying her on the 'Cosma Glory' variety next.
Originally published in
: 5/5
Great food!
My cat loves this food. She would not touch any cheap food, very fussy cat.
: 5/5
Thai fruits - genius!
I never would have thought about giving fruit to cats but my boy absolutely loves this - he gets very vocal & paces back & forth to his eating spot when he sees me take a can out of the cupboard. Tuna or chicken, and any fruit flavour it looks & smells like quality stuff & there's never a problem with waste, every single morsel is gone in double quick time. It definitely rates a 10 from Milo & me.
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