21 reviews forSimpsons Premium Sensitive Adult Chicken & Potato Dry Dog Food
Upload your product photo23/06/18|Meinir
We love it. Nice big bags. This will last around 4.5 weeks for two little dogs
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
09/05/18|Joanna Harding
After feeding our rescue lurcher a more expensive brand of salmon and potatoe for over a year , we tried this and to be honest I have found it ten times better , not only is it more reasonable but his coat is lovely and shiny and his dry skin has gone . He suffers from different food allergies and a sensitive tummy but this food works a treat and he loves it . Worth every penny .
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
08/04/18|Elizabeth Foster
Premium food
I mistook what I'd opened for the dogs but was alerted to the label when I saw their excited reaction as I scooped it onto the plate. Definitely a prized food as far as the dogs are concerned.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Loved by my two dogs
I tried lots of different dry dog food and 1 of my dogs who has a sensitive tummy didn’t agree with them someone told me to try Simpsons Salmom and Potato which I’d never heard of so I found it on Zooplus and have never looked back both my dogs love it .
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Really good value! One of the best brands for this price. We mix Simpsons with some wet food and the dogs love it. Happy, healthy dogs and firm poops. The amount of poop has definitely reduced which is good too!
Great quality food
Fantastic quality grain free food with no added ingredients with no nutritional value like other supermarket brands.
My dog no longer suffers from irritated skin and loose stools I suspect this was due to the fillers and grains in previous food he was fed. We now have our happy dog back and an empty bowl:)
Helps for dogs with colliitis
Tried a number if different dry food for my jack Russell x and this is the only one that's really helped
Our two lurchers do really well on this with no digestive problems.
19/11/16|Cindy Woolley
My Labrador loves this!
When we 1st got my puppy I had a bit of trouble trying to find the right food. Obviously I wanted the best food for my dog & was prepared to pay a bit more. I eventually tried this - after many other brands- and she loves it. Nice shiny coat, full of energy & very well formed stools. Definately recommend. Just wish Simpsons had more flavours for puppies
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Winner Winner..
Wanted to switch to a grain free for a while so did much research(dogfood directory etc) and for quality and cost this came out on top and thankfully my mastiff agrees and really enjoys.
Fantastic for GSD sensitive stomach
After many years with my German Shepherd suffering from constant boughts of diarrhea and after we had eliminated almost everything he ate I changed his diet to Simpsons sensitive salmon and potato on recommendation. I cannot express how much his life has changed he is now on his fourth bag of this food and never had diarrhea since day one, he loves the food which is a huge bonus and he is so much healthier and happy in himself.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Happy pup
Did lots of research before buying this food and it is one of the best in terms of nutrients.
My Boxer had skin in terrible condition and needed 3x per week baths with medicated shampoo,
Within weeks, her coat was glossy and the baths are now only every couple of weeks.
Vet could also see a big difference in her, definitely worth what we pay for a healthy dog.
03/05/15|Amanda Barnes
My two dogs love this! It is the best by far - free from added 'nasties' and gentle on their tums.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Love it!
Overall: dogs love it, great for the coat and energy, easy to digest and not as expensive as it might appear!
We have two active corgis, one who will be 2 in May and the other will be 8 in July. Previously, they were eating Marcus Muehler and got on with it fairly well, although one of them was a bit fussy with it.
When we started Simpsons, it was to see whether it would help the younger one with a skin allergy he was developing at a 1 and 3 months. It seems to have helped (I can't be sure if it was the food or just a change in the seasons) but both dogs absolutely love the food.
I noticed within the first several days a lot more energy from them, to the point that I adjusted their food and gave them a bit less. They love the taste so much I can use it as training treats.
No problems with digestion (not even at the beginning) and stools are firm and easy to pick up and unlike the previous food, there was less of it. I did try one order of the chicken, to give them a bit of variety. They liked it well enough but their stools were noticeably more whiffy.
Their coats are lovely and the vet has commented on this on more than one occasion.
I was very concerned about the cost and initially I was only going to buy this food temporarily. But even though this bag is 3kg less than Markus Muelher and costs more, I can say that over the past six months, I have placed fewer food orders so they clearly meed to eat less of it.
12/11/14|Marie Shout
Simpsons saved me a fortune!
As a pup my Labradoodle had numerous trips to the vets with ear, eye and minor skin infections, despite being fed on high quality food. After lengthy research I decided to try Simpsons sensitive range. 2 and a half years later what a great decision this turned out to be. No further infections, glossy coat, calmer and a greater general wellbeing. Other added benefits include smaller, well formed poo, a good variety of flavours, high protein, reasonable price and British made. Can't recommend highly enough!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Great ingredients at a great price
I tried lots of foods for my 2 cocker spaniels they would either give them bad wind or diarrhoea but having tried simpsons i have had non of the above. We now have good solid stools no wind and very happy dogs and i know the ingredients are superior to most dog foods very happy owner.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Greyt for Greys!
As most Greyhound owners know, they have particularly sensitive stomachs and ominous gassy emissions that are famed for clearing rooms! We are now on our third sack, having tried other premium foods, our girl loves it, her poops are so much better and the emissions have all but disappeared :0)
07/09/14|M. Carnegie
Thank goodness for Simpsons
I bought a Flat Coat Pup and found he had stomach problems he had a lot of bother with Diarrohea and despite several visits to vet and trying different foods he still had it so my daughter told me she had heard Simpsons sensitive for pups was good. I bought a small bag to start off with it wasSalmon and Potato sensitive for pups and within a few days I could see improvements so then bought a big bag and he no longer had Diarrohea. He is now on the adult sensitive food and has grown to be a well built strong dog with beautiful shiny coat. I did try him on another dog food but that was a disaster so I'm keeping him on Simpsons sensitive. Thanks Simpson.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
08/05/14|Charlotte Brennan
Cannot recommend this enough - wonderful!
I have struggled over the years to find something that is both tolerable for my dog (Basset Hound x Japanese Spitz x Labrador - don't even attenot to picture that one!) and which he enjoys eating. He is fussy dog with nasty skin allergies which some foods cause him to flare up and scratch constantly and get skin infections which is horrid to see. I've tried all sorts and so far nothign had worked. I also have another dog (Basset Hound) who is on a restricted calorie intake due to hip problems and trying to maintain a healthy balance.
I had tried Lukullus fry food for ages. It was great for the skin and allergies but the dogs weren't that fussed by the taste, even mixing in some wet food to tempt them, so i was deeing them lose weight slowly. I tried this in a desperate attempt and now i have clean bowls EVERY meal. It's fantastic. The dogs love it (a small amoutn of wet food is still mixed in) but the skin and coat have improved, smells are gone, stools are good and (which surprised me the most), the behaviour has improved noticeably.
I wouldn't consider buying anything else for them anymore. Fairly expensive initially but you need less of it because of the high quality.
PS - I don't leave reviews normally but i felt i had to for this!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Well worth trying
I have five dogs and I always feed them high quality food without grains and other fillers. One of my dogs can be quite fussy with some foods but she absolutely goes nuts when I get this food out of the cupboard. I have also noticed there is far less poo to clear up which is a blessing with five dogs!! I will definitely recommend this food to other dog owners. I just hope the price does not rocket like some of the other brands have recently.