Unfortunately our youngest male of less than 3 years old has bladder stones. Symptoms include: blood in urine, difficulty urinating, urinating outside the litter tray, frequent urination, urinating small amounts, lethargy, excessive licking of genital. It is important to visit the vet immediately if you recognise it, because a clogged urinary tract can be fatal within half a day!!! We had given him Royal Canin Urinary food to resolve the bladder stones, but we've had more success with Hill's SD. We ordered it in consultation with our vet, and we don't intend to use it permanently, as we will later switch to Hill's CD.
It's important to know that cats with bladder stones must eat a special prescription diet for the rest of their lives to prevent them from re-forming. With CD they can easily live just as happy and long a life as any normal cat. so it's no problem. They also don't need a lot of the food, so it's not too expensive. At zooplus it's a lot cheaper than in vets or stores. We and the cat are very happy!