2 reviews forMAC's Cat 6 x 800g
Upload your product photo14/08/24|Aggie
What happened to Mac’s - again!
I previously gave this food 4 stars because of shrink-flation, without affecting the quality though. This time, a year later, I can definitely say that this is NOT the food it used to be. I recently bought poultry/beef/cranberry variety and couldn’t believe my eyes - and nose! Smelly, mushy, with a LOT of beef fat visible. My cats have to be REALLY hungry to eat it and even then they only eat a little and leave the rest. Not the colour, not the structure, not the smell and not the taste anymore.
My cats love it…
Well. They actually love four different varieties. And I love the fact that they love it. However, there’s something I don’t love. You no longer get 800g food in an 800g can. There’s a thick layer of jelly now, which in the case of chicken with chicken hearts is close to 20-25% of the can’s content. So naturally, I’m going through much more cans a week now than I used to. And the difference is massive when you have 11 cats at home. Hence only 4 stars.