16 reviews forMucki Bird Grass
Upload your product photo16/10/23
Pictures are misleading
Pictures are misleading. It comes in two flimsy plastic containers and just one holder.
Budgies went for it straightaway!
Within 1 minute of putting this in their aviary, my bravest bird started chewing on it. Then they all started chewing on it-- even my most timid bird-- and some bathed in it, too (4 budgies). They’re having so much fun with it and it’s good for their mind & body, so I’m glad I bought a few packs. Will certainly keep buying these. The perches weren’t available at the time, so I filled their stainless steel bowls with the grass (1 pkg grass= 2 small bowls).
My diamond doves love this stuff!
This is like crack for my diamond doves lol. They are always pecking at it or laying in it. It has lasted over two weeks now. The holder didn’t work with my cage bars so I just put them on a shelf. Must buy.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
24/06/15|Nick Bryan
Budgies love Bird Grass
My 18 budgies love this product .they eat ,roll about in it then they throw around the empty containers playing
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Excellent product
It is easy to grow and my 2 budgies love it.(do not buy the bracket though just buy the refill packs From he start as the bird rip it up whether it is in a holder or not)
My canaries love this grass!! It was quick and easy to grow. They love munching it and playing in it!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Excellent product
My cockatiels adore this product! They refuse to eat other fresh food so this is an excellent way to give them extra vitamins!
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
04/08/13|h scholes
Does what it says
Lovely product, very easy to use and grows really well. Only problem i had was with my bird he didnt like it. The grass also lasts ages if you add a little water to it every day or so. Highly recommended.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
my love birds love it !
Grass grows within a few days. Bought for my cockateil who ignored it so put it in with my new lovebirds. My lovebirds love eating it and then they discovered it was nice to sit in ! I think they may have been plannng to nest in it !!
Absolute success
I purchased this product a few months ago and my budgie adores it. I am writing this review as I am ordering several more refills for my bird and my mother in laws budgie. Brilliant idea.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
Best buy for budgies
Put this is the cage with my two budgies and they absolutely love it. They love walking on it, eating it and playing with it. One of the best things I have bought for them.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
My Canaries Love This...
Grew really nicely on the windowsill in less than a week....Canaries are supposedly not confident when it comes to new things in their cage, but not mine, my canary hen went to this immediately and has been snacking on it ever since... they love their greens and this is just perfect!
Within ten minutes my budgies had already thrown this all over their cage (if you have budgies you will know what i mean)they really loved it. Great success.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
01/02/12|David & Susan Main
Eat rest and play
We have just tried our Budgie on this grass,he is absolutely thrilled with it.It took him about two hours to approach it but once he started on it he would not leave it alone, he ate some then decided it would be a good idea to rip a fair size portion out and scatter it around his cage, including in his bath ,hanging from his ladder and attached in various ways to all his toys ,after about 4 hours he decided to sleep in the middle of what was left. A great buy.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
28/07/11|Simona P.
Cool! Thank you for the idea
Really good and tasty, obviously! :D
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk
07/07/11|Sarah Hurley
Budgie heaven!
My budgies adore this grass! They were scared of it to start with but now they argue over it. I let the grass get quite long to start with but it is short all over now - it looks like it has been mown. A great treat especially for birds that won't eat their vegetables.
Originally published in zooplus.co.uk