Bird Breeds

7 min

Bourke’s parrot

Although Bourke's parrots are more inconspicuous and not as popular as budgies or cockatiels, these birds still make an impression with their calming and loving nature and thanks to being easy to own. Their pleasant singing isn't too loud, so Bourke's parrots can make suitable pets without complaints from your neighbours. If you're considering buying a Bourke's parrot and keeping it as a pet or are looking for special information on this bird species, you can find out here everything you need to know about Bourke's parrots.

7 min


Cockatoos are up for all kinds of fun. These exotic birds are renowned for their lively manner and attractive head adornments. What many don't know is that cockatoos are very demanding birds. If treated in a species-appropriate manner, however, they reward their owners with affection and lifelong loyalty.