Creating a Garden Pond

A pond can be a real gem, enriching any garden and bringing a great deal of joy! However, anyone dreaming of a garden pond should be sure to plan correctly from the very start, so as not to be overwhelmed by the amount of work needed later on.

Creating a Garden Pond

Initial points to consider

  • The size of the pond should be well thought-out. If a pond is less than 500 litres, then biological self-regulation can be difficult, with a natural balance only emerging in ponds of larger than around 1000 litres.
  • When a pond is deeper than around 100cm, thinning of plants and algae is reduced, meaning you are less likely to lose fish during the winter months. A larger, deeper pond also provides more hiding places and allows several different kinds of fish to form populations.
  • Choose a particularly beautiful section of your garden as the location for your pond, either close to or far away from the patio depending on your own personal preference. A functioning ecosystem will need plenty of light so that plants can grow undisturbed and enrich the water with oxygen, so choose an area that receives sunlight throughout the day. You will also need to consider any children or animals that may regularly be present in your garden, placing a fence around the pond area if necessary to avoid injury.
  • A good pond also needs a strong base. Although plastic films from hardware stores can be cheaper, they are not as tear-resistant as more expensive polymer films, so do not spare the expense. A larger pond in particular will require a high-quality polymer. The initial expense will pay off in the long run, as every time your pond base tears or becomes damaged, it will cost money to replace or repair it.

Let’s get started!

  • Building your pond starts with measuring out the film, then digging a pit. Make sure that the angle is around 45 degrees and that the edge has a depth of around 20-25cm. A level edge will prevent any water loss. Placing peat litter under the pond liner can help prevent leakage and provide added stability!
  • Even flat parts of the pond need to be mixed with a soil substrate. A porous substrate will help promote the supply of oxygen to plants and improve ventilation. A layer of approximately 2cm covering 60-70% of the pond floor will be enough to give the pond fauna a working balance.
  • Do not forget the planting! Grow-bags are a great choice for initial planting, ensuring that plants can put down their roots until they are properly developed.

You can find everything you need for your garden pond in our zooplus shop!

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Creating a Garden Pond

A pond can be a real gem, enriching any garden and bringing a great deal of joy! However, anyone dreaming of a garden pond should be sure to plan correctly from the very start, so as not to be overwhelmed by the amount of work needed later on.